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McCall Family – Portraits

This post has been a little while in the making. If I remember correctly, it started with an old family photo on my friend Jessica’s Facebook page. And I commented that she looks exactly like her mom did when the photo was taken. From there we talked about getting her family together to capture another photo when she was home visiting for a little while. It was such an honor for me to be able to finally meet Jessica’s family that I’d been hearing about for so long and as soon as I walked through the door that night, I knew we were going to have a fun evening. Jessica’s dad was full of jokes and knew just how to get everyone to smile…he made my part of the work easy!

To the McCalls – Thanks so much for welcoming me into your home to capture some memories of your family just being a family. It was a pleasure to meet you all and to see where Jessica gets her sense of humor and style. I hope you all enjoy the photos and the update to that Facebook photo!

I love, love, love this series of Jessica and her dad. I’m telling you, he knew just what to say…

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I asked them if they were huggers and this is what I got:

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Jessica and her niece, Chandler, just catching up and laughing:

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This little cutie, Courtney, did not want to smile or be in pictures at all so I had to be really stealthy. But, honestly, I sort of like being stealthy with my camera. I had a great time trying to get her into it…and I think it finally worked!

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Jessica’s sister, Brandee, with each of her daughters:

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They were so fun. :D

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Jessica and her beautiful mother…
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And we couldn’t forget the other little non-human friends!

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When I was taking these photos, they started to talk about their wedding photos. I loved that they were channeling such great memories.

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And then they closed out the session with some singing for me. I could have stayed all night!

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P.S. To see the latest news, you can find my Facebook page here. :D

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